Friday, November 14, 2008

My job rocks!

At a training retreat this week my supervisor at one of the organizations I work through started rapping and it led to this video. One of her goals in life is to become a youtube sensation! A colleague is beatboxing for her.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Kris Nations Jewelry

How gorgeous (and green!) are these pieces of jewelry?

Best video ever

I can't get political because of my job but this video is non-partisan and really cute (if you click through and watch it on youtube the lyrics are there):

Friday, October 31, 2008

Is this the place?

I am hating this stage of wedding places and just want to be done with it. This is not a traditional wedding reception venue so there are a few kinks. Are we willing to deal with that hassle? I wish I was sure about one of the places!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Amnesty International's Global Write-a-Thon

I love the write-a-thon! Can't wait for the holiday card action even more though!

Friday, September 12, 2008

wedding rings

due to recent engagement ring developments, i'm leaning towards moving my e-ring to my right hand and getting something totally different for my wedding ring. champagne diamonds and hammered gold are my current obsession.

i can't figure out how to get the picture of this site:

perhaps a custom, more hardy version of this ring:

Monday, September 08, 2008

girl effect.

this is one of the best videos i have seen come out of the non-profit world. love the use of the music. not to mention they're spot on with their message!

Friday, September 05, 2008

engagement pictures...

...don't have to be cheesy.

Friday, August 29, 2008

hi kendall!

so Kendall is making me start up my blog again. for some reason we feel the need to stay connected through e-mail, blogs, and text messaging!

i'm sitting at work, in my ginormous office, not really sure what to do next, wishing my wall wasn't made of windows.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

so now i've got what i always wanted...

so this past weekend, on February 9, 2008, Tim proposed to me, down by the Tidal Basin at night. i complained the whole time and had no idea he was going to propose. in fact i didn't even believe him when he did (what a sick sick joke that would have been).
i've always been a researcher and one of my favorite things has been weddings. only now...i will actually have to make decisions...interesting.
i decided to blog so that i could remember the next couple years and all the craziness it will include.